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M&T Inspection Services Blog

Brighten Up Your Backyard: Proven Summer Landscaping Tips

Brighten Up Your Backyard: Proven Summer Landscaping Tips

Summer is the perfect time to enhance your outdoor space, creating a vibrant and welcoming environment for relaxation and entertainment. Whether you have a sprawling garden or a cozy backyard, these summer landscaping tips will help you make the most of the season....

Composting at Home: A Beginner’s Guide

Composting at Home: A Beginner’s Guide

Composting is an eco-friendly process that converts kitchen scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich soil that benefits your garden. It's an excellent way to reduce landfill waste and decrease greenhouse gas emissions while enhancing the health and fertility of your...

How to Clean Your Home’s Gutters Safely

How to Clean Your Home’s Gutters Safely

Gutters might be one of the most overlooked elements of home maintenance. Yet, they protect your home from water damage by directing rainwater away from your foundation, roof, and walls. However, when leaves, debris, and dirt accumulate, gutters become clogged,...

Kitchen Safety 101: Avoiding Accidents at Home

Kitchen Safety 101: Avoiding Accidents at Home

The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, where delicious meals are prepared, and fond memories are created. However, it is also a place where accidents can happen if proper safety measures are not in place. Kitchen safety measures protect yourself and...

Improve Your Bathroom with Water-Resistant Flooring

Improve Your Bathroom with Water-Resistant Flooring

In winter, homeowners turn their attention to indoor projects, and what better way to enhance your sanctuary than with a bathroom makeover? Water-resistant flooring is crucial to this transformation, seamlessly blending functionality with style. Explore these six...

10 Smart Strategies to Reduce Heating Costs This Winter

10 Smart Strategies to Reduce Heating Costs This Winter

As temperatures drop and winter arrives, utility bills can skyrocket, putting a strain on the environment and your wallet. With a few strategies and simple adjustments, you can reduce your heating expenses while maintaining a warm and comfortable home. Here are a few...

5 Ways to Improve the Kitchen Lighting

5 Ways to Improve the Kitchen Lighting

With the shorter days and longer nights of fall and winter, you may find yourself spending more time in your kitchen. Good lighting makes all the difference, whether cooking for family, preparing holiday meals, or simply snacking. Where do you start when it comes to...

6 Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Home

6 Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Home

Our pets are family, and as responsible pet owners, it's our duty to keep our homes safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for our cats and dogs. A pet-friendly home benefits your companions and creates a safe living environment for the entire family. Here are six essential...

4 Options for Decking Materials: Pros and Cons

4 Options for Decking Materials: Pros and Cons

When updating your outdoor living area, choosing the right decking material will make all the difference. With so many available options, deciding which is best suited to your needs can be overwhelming. In this article, we'll explore four popular decking materials,...

8 Tips for Organizing Your Garage

8 Tips for Organizing Your Garage

Maximizing your garage space and keeping it organized doesn't have to be a daunting task. With some planning and smart storage solutions, you can transform your cluttered garage into a well-organized area for your belongings. Here are a few practical tips for...

5 Ways to Improve Home Security with Technology

5 Ways to Improve Home Security with Technology

In an increasingly connected world, leveraging technology to improve home security has become a popular choice for homeowners. The possibilities are vast, from advanced surveillance systems to smart locks and integrated alarm systems. Here are a few ways technology...

6 Summer Home Improvements You Can DIY

6 Summer Home Improvements You Can DIY

As summer's warm and sunny days arrive, it's the perfect time to embark on home improvement projects. Whether you're looking to enhance your property's curb appeal, create a relaxing outdoor living space, or make energy-efficient upgrades, there are plenty of projects...

5 Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

5 Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

Mold growth is a common problem in many homes and may lead to health issues if not addressed. Mold thrives in damp and humid environments and can grow quickly if the conditions are right. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to prevent mold growth in your...

6 Tips for Using the Dishwasher Efficiently

6 Tips for Using the Dishwasher Efficiently

Dishwashers are one of the most convenient appliances in the kitchen, allowing us to save time and effort in cleaning dishes. However, many people make mistakes when using a dishwasher, leading to poor cleaning performance and wasted energy and water. Here are a few...

4 Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

4 Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

If you’re in the market for a new home or looking to make an offer, you’ll want to hire a professional inspector. Home inspections are essential because they give potential homeowners an understanding of the condition of the property and any issues or safety concerns...

10 Tips for Promoting Wellness at Home

10 Tips for Promoting Wellness at Home

Promoting wellness at home helps us maintain healthy habits and ensure our physical and mental well-being. Taking the time to prioritize good food and exercise is a component of creating a lifestyle that benefits the body and mind. With just a few simple steps, you...

The Dangers of Asbestos in the Home

The Dangers of Asbestos in the Home

Asbestos is a naturally occurring group of fibrous minerals once widely used in insulation and other building materials. Although it is now banned due to its carcinogens and adverse health effects, many older properties still have asbestos-containing materials (ACMs)....

3 Common Health Hazards in the Home

3 Common Health Hazards in the Home

Even in a well-organized, clean home, there can still be hazards. As a homeowner, you need to keep your family safe and healthy. Here are a few common health hazards in the home. Learn about these concerns and what you can do to make your home healthier. Common Health...

5 Ways to Improve Fall Curb Appeal

5 Ways to Improve Fall Curb Appeal

After the leaves change color and fall, your property is left looking gray and dreary. The exterior of your home needs a boost this time of year, especially if you plan to put it on the market. If you're looking for ways to improve your curb appeal for the fall and...

6 Popular Smart Home Features

6 Popular Smart Home Features

More homeowners are incorporating technology to make their lives easier and everyday tasks more convenient. Smart home devices are becoming increasingly accessible and affordable. Read on to learn about six popular smart home features that make your house more...

4 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

4 Ways to Prepare Your Fireplace for Use

If you're fortunate to have a fireplace in your home, you know how cozy and inviting it can make your space during the winter. But before you light up those logs, there are a few things you need to do to prepare your fireplace for use. It's essential to make sure the...

5 Ways to Create a Home Office

5 Ways to Create a Home Office

Create a home office to get work done without distractions. A practical home office is an excellent solution if you’re looking for space in your home to work, take a phone call in private, or pay bills.  Whether you have room to spare or are a little short on space,...

4 Tips to Conserve Water This Summer

4 Tips to Conserve Water This Summer

Summer is a season for increased water use in most households. Water consumption can double during the hottest months, whether taking more showers, washing cars, or watering plants. More water consumption means higher water bills. Save water to reduce utility costs...

8 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Look Larger

8 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Look Larger

Having a small bathroom doesn’t have to mean the space is cramped and overwhelmed by clutter. Discover eight easy ways to make your bathroom look larger without a major renovation. Below are a few helpful tips for creating the illusion of a more spacious room. Store...

Five Simple Ways to Organize Your Basement

Five Simple Ways to Organize Your Basement

Think About How You Use Your Basement Before you start the sometimes overwhelming task to organize your basement, consider what you will primarily use the space for. Is it only used for storage and laundry? Do the kids play down there? Is the basement where you go to...

8 Dos and Don’ts for a Successful Spring Move

8 Dos and Don’ts for a Successful Spring Move

Spring is a popular time of year to move into a new home. The moderate weather makes packing and moving more accessible, and it will feel like a fresh start without the hustle and bustle of relocating in summer. Here are a few helpful tips for a successful spring...

The Best Pet-Safe Houseplants

The Best Pet-Safe Houseplants

Plants add color and life to the inside of your home, but be careful about which ones you choose when you have pets. Fortunately, there are many different types of pet-safe houseplants for you to choose from that add greenery without presenting a danger to any member...

5 Easy Homemade Cleaning Supplies

5 Easy Homemade Cleaning Supplies

Safe and Inexpensive Cleaning Supplies Making homemade cleaning supplies is an efficient way to cut down on costs. When making your cleaners, it’s important to avoid mixing certain chemicals. Don’t mix agents such as vinegar and ammonia or rubbing alcohol and bleach....

5 Winter Home Improvement Ideas

5 Winter Home Improvement Ideas

Home Projects to Do This Winter It may come as a surprise, but winter makes a great time for home improvement projects as most of the time is spent indoors. Here are 5 things to consider for your next winter home improvement project. Spruce Up Your Rooms by Updating...

Must-Have Tools Every Homeowner Needs

Must-Have Tools Every Homeowner Needs

Homeownership is a huge milestone for many people, and along with the excitement come many new responsibilities. As a homeowner, there are some must-have tools you should get so you’ll be prepared to tackle minor repairs and updates to your home. Small repair issues...

5 Best Locations for Smoke Detector Placement

5 Best Locations for Smoke Detector Placement

Placing Smoke Detectors in the Best Spots Installing smoke detectors should be a priority for homeowners since they can save lives. Proper smoke detector placement will reduce the chance of fire damage and injury. This article discusses the best locations for your...

5 Tips for Fire Pit Safety

5 Tips for Fire Pit Safety

Practicing Safety While Using a Fire Pit ‏Having a fire pit in your backyard is fun and makes a nice addition to your outdoor living space. Fire pits make any event, such as parties or barbecues, welcoming and cozy. However, when using a fire pit, safety has to be the...

3 Things to Know About Tree Removal

3 Things to Know About Tree Removal

Removing a tree from your property can change the look of your landscaping. Trees provide shade, beautify a yard, and boost curb appeal. If they become a hazard, they need to be removed. Here are some important things to know about tree removal. When to Remove a Tree...

3 Reasons to Order a Home Maintenance Inspection

3 Reasons to Order a Home Maintenance Inspection

Your family has regular health exams, and it only makes sense to do the same for your house. Home inspections aren’t only for real estate transactions. Homeowners can also schedule a regular home maintenance inspection to keep tabs on the house’s condition. There are...

The Benefits of Using Solar Lighting

The Benefits of Using Solar Lighting

Solar-powered lights are an easy way to save money and light up your landscaping. They’re widely available at most lawn and garden stores, are simple to install, and you can relocate them to add lighting elsewhere. Let’s look at a few of the reasons why homeowners are...

6 Kitchen Remodel Ideas That Pay Off

6 Kitchen Remodel Ideas That Pay Off

In most homes, the kitchen is one of the most expensive rooms in the house and impacts the overall value. An outdated kitchen can reduce your home's appeal to potential buyers, leading to smaller and fewer offers. In contrast, a kitchen remodel can add thousands of...

Why You Should Have a Home Inspection on New Construction

Why You Should Have a Home Inspection on New Construction

Even the most professional construction experts might make mistakes when building a home. Since you've hired the best contractors who used high-quality materials, why would you need a new construction inspection? Ordering a home inspection is necessary because many...

Easy Home Renovation Projects

Easy Home Renovation Projects

4 Easy Renovation Projects You Can Do at Home Renovating your home doesn't have to be an overwhelming process. Choose small, simple projects that give each room in your house a new look. Easy home renovations such as painting your walls or trim and changing the colors...

Non-Toxic Houseplants for a Pet-Friendly Home

Non-Toxic Houseplants for a Pet-Friendly Home

Non-Toxic Houseplants Houseplants are used to add color and beauty to the home, but it's important to be careful when you share your living spaces with pets. When choosing plants for your home, opt for pet-friendly varieties. Some common houseplants have been known to...

Safety Essentials for Your Home

Safety Essentials for Your Home

To keep your family and property safe, it’s important to have the necessary equipment on hand. Be prepared for an emergency with this list of safety essentials you'll want to add to your household. Carbon Monoxide Detector Carbon monoxide detectors are essential...

6 Signs of an Electrical Problem at Home

6 Signs of an Electrical Problem at Home

Electrical problems are a leading cause of house fires. On average, 50,000 fires occur every year due to electrical defects and malfunctions. Between 2012 to 2016, the annual estimated property damage caused by electrical fires was $1.3 billion. Knowing when your home...

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

When winter weather hits, it's nice to stay cozy and warm inside your home. But you may not stay comfortable for long if you experience respiratory problems caused by indoor pollutants. Since we keep our homes closed and well-sealed during the winter, dust, pollen,...

5 Ways to Heat Your Home Efficiently This Winter

5 Ways to Heat Your Home Efficiently This Winter

Heating your home can be costly during the winter months, especially in areas with below-freezing temperatures and snow. It can easily be one of your most expensive utilities. Cut costs and stay warm by using these tips and tricks to heat your home efficiently. 5 Ways...

6 Different Countertop Materials to Choose From

6 Different Countertop Materials to Choose From

If you are planning a kitchen remodel or building a new home, you will need to decide on a type of material for your countertops. Today, there is more variety in types of countertop materials than ever. It can be overwhelming to start your search. This article breaks...

3 Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

3 Ways to Improve Curb Appeal

If you want to increase your property value and attract potential buyers if your house is on the market, focus on these three areas to improve curb appeal. Landscaping for the Changing Seasons As summer comes to a close, you might need to replace some of the plants in...

Why Should Homeowners Schedule Professional Home Maintenance Services?

Why Should Homeowners Schedule Professional Home Maintenance Services?

Too many homeowners think of calling a professional for home services as a last resort. It is common for people to wait until there's an emergency to call a professional. Not only does this strategy put your home in jeopardy, but it also costs significantly more in...

5 Ways to Create Safe Living Spaces for Seniors

5 Ways to Create Safe Living Spaces for Seniors

Most seniors prefer to live in their own homes as long as possible. Staying in a familiar, comfortable place offers freedom and independence, and it is entirely possible with a few modifications. Here are five ways to make safe living spaces for seniors. 1. Flooring...

Tips and Tricks to Paint Like a Pro

Tips and Tricks to Paint Like a Pro

Painting is an easy, inexpensive way to update and improve your home. You only need a few supplies and a bit of patience to make your living spaces look like new. Before you tackle this DIY project, here are a few tips to help you paint like a pro. Prepare the Wall...

How to Make Your Deck Safe for Children and Pets

How to Make Your Deck Safe for Children and Pets

A deck is the perfect place to gather for meals or cookouts, to enjoy the outdoors with your children and pets, or to take in a quiet sunset. To make your deck safe, look for these potential safety hazards. Below are a few things to check when planning to spend time...

4 Benefits of a Pre-Listing Home Inspection

4 Benefits of a Pre-Listing Home Inspection

When a buyer makes an offer to buy a house, a home inspection is one of the next things that will happen. The inspection will detail any issues with the home, giving the buyer leverage to negotiate. Rather than waiting for the buyer's home inspection, order a...

What You Should Know About Radon in the Home

What You Should Know About Radon in the Home

Radon Causes Lung Cancer Radon in the home is dangerous and can cause lung cancer after long-term exposure to high levels of the gas. Radon-related lung cancer kills over 20,000 Americans every year, second only to cigarette smoking. Every homeowner should know their...

7 Signs of Mold in the Home: How to Tell if You Have a Mold Problem

7 Signs of Mold in the Home: How to Tell if You Have a Mold Problem

Mold can be a very dangerous household problem. It has the potential to cause all types of health issues, such as headaches, breathing problems, and neurological damage. This article goes over how you can recognize the signs of mold in the home. Heating or AC Smells...

5 Signs of Termites in the Home

5 Signs of Termites in the Home

As a homeowner, don't underestimate the destruction that termites can cause. Termites can do a great deal of damage for such tiny insects. Here are some of the signs of termites in the home so you can spot an infestation. Windows and Doors That Stick A termite...